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Surprise! NSFW.


So, I thought I'd let you guys know that Freeglass will no longer be doing inks for Blaster Nation. We had to let him go because frankly, life is getting a little expensive for us. Between an onslaught of inbound business taxes and a ridiculous health insurance cost, we can't afford to keep him onboard as well as pay all these upcoming bills. So sadly, we had to let him go. This won't affect our release schedule very much, surprisingly. Leslie has went back to physically penciling pages, which has led to some new ways to get Blaster Nation pages out just as fast without the need of an inker. We're still going to attempt doing two pages a week on Blaster Nation and however many we can do on Rock Cocks. The only real difference is that instead of paying Freeglass to do inks, we'll instead be putting the money towards equally-expensive health insurance costs. I hope you can understand, we'd love to keep him onboard, but our hand is kind of forced here. We'll be updating the previous milestone to reflect this.

But hey! Want a sneak peek of our special anniversary pin-ups for January? CHECK IT OUT! If you're interested in these pin-ups and you haven't yet done so, be sure to up your pledge to the $10 level by Dec. 31st to make sure you get them! We'd hate for you to miss them!

Thanks again for your amazing support! See you again this week!



Nicholas A. Jalowick

I'm glad to see some naked time with Elizabeth, but I hope she gets to have actual sex with someone else eventually. It'd be a bummer for her to fruitlessly pine after Sterling, since it seems pretty clear he's not interested in her that way. There's plenty of other fish in the sea, cute glasses girl!