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Hey guys.

I hate to do this, but we're going to have to take a brief one-week haitus. We'll be back to our regular update schedule next Sunday on July 7th. We'll still have Patreon rewards for you on the first of July (revolving around some MYSTERY characters, oooh~), but the actual comic updates will be on hold until then.

Look, I'm not gonna lie. Neither me or Leslie are in a good place, mentally. I don't think anyone is, to be honest. And I feel nothing but shame announcing yet another delay when everyone is going through so much right now. I'm really not trying to bum you guys out, I know you didn't pay money to just get bummed out by personal stuff, but...we just can't power through this with everything going on both in our country and in our lives. I'm really sorry. I promise we'll be back with Patreon rewards and an update on Sunday.

Thanks for always being there for us. Please stay safe and healthy. We'll get through this, I promise.


Nellie B

Your feelings and/or health comes first


Take all the time you need, we can wait. Health always comes first.


A lot of people have been trying to deal with their mental health recently, I hope you guys stay well.


It’s alright frens take your time. We paid to support y’all, not to just for the content.


Rest and recover as much as you need.

Dracon Atrox

Take all the time you need for your health, mental and physical.


Take care of yourselves, we'll be here whenever you're able to get back to it <3


Believe me, I get it and feel very much the same way. Take as long as you need, we aren't going anywhere - you two come first. Much love!


This was posted in my jobs team chat, we've been working from since March, and we're all doing our best to take care of our mental health. This really helped boost our moral and I hope this helps as ya'll take a well deserved rest. "Those ‘all over the place’ feelings that you’ve been having? They are symptoms of stress, NOT personal failures of yours. Do you feel FLAKEY and INCONSISTENT? That’s because your brain doesn’t know what news to brace for next, or what next month will hold. TIRED EASILY? That’s because your brain is burning your energy ten times faster than usual. CAN’T SEEM TO FOCUS? That’s because your brain has temporarily shut down some functionality of your prefrontal cortex - that part of your brain that juggles complex tasks and planning - due to the stress response. Feeling CREATIVELY BLOCKED? That’s because your brain has temporarily diverted all its creativity (aka the ability to solve novel problems) to “How do I avoid dying?” while in a narrowed, slow burn, fight-or-flight state. SUDDENLY DON’T GIVE A FUCK about future-based goals, projects, or dreams like you used to? That’s because your brain knows that being short-sighted right now is a safer way to cope. Your plans, creativity, energy, focus, and motivation are on a YO-YO right now because your brain believes that you need to be extremely adaptive just to survive. You WILL NOT be on this rollercoaster forever. Be patient with your brain.

Nitro The Dog

You guys deserve a mental health break given everything that's been going on them last several months. Everyone does. You've made this your full time job, you've dealt with the whole stressful ordeal of moving, and I think everyone would agree that even the self-employed deserve breaks for whatever reason they need them for. Take your time, rest up, and when you come back we'll still be here. Maybe spend some time unplugged for a while (if it'll help) so you're not tempted to look at the news so you can rest to your fullest. Take care of each other <3


Take all the time you need. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I'll still be here when you get back. Stress is hard, and this year its even harder with everything else going on. Do what you need to do to be healthy. We won't get anything if you have to give up completely because you're sick or worse. We love you and hope for the best for you both! Get better!


That feeling you talked about? "Neither me or Leslie are in a good place, mentally."?? That's us as well. We're there with you. We understand what you're going through and that sometimes it's good to take time to yourself to get your head on straight. Take care of yourselves and we'll see you on the other side. <3


Take your time, find your chill.


Please take care of yourselves! As far as I'm concerned, I'm not worried about your output and the Patreon thing. You two are so consistently awesome and work so hard for us! I love the story and the artwork! Thank you!

Michael Butchin

No worries! Look after yourselves; stay safe.


Take a breath. Come back with avengence


Breaks now and then are important and imo it's also important that breaks are paid! So have a nice week off and I hope you'll be able to rest well! C:


Wanted to show you guys some support here but looks like everyone beat me to the punch. Seems like everyone agrees, feel better first and we'll be here when you do.


I found this comic a month ago and I binged the whole thing in one sitting. When I found out you guys have a Patreon and still update the comic regularly I was so ecstatic! I admire and appreciate the hard work you guys put in to make such a great comic. You guys should take as much time as you need to heal and take care of yourselves, we love you guys and we’re rooting for you always no matter what you decide to do.


You guys are no slaves. Take some leave and get a free head. When you are back, please be kind to Liz, i like her. Best regards from the Haus Eifgen.

Justin Wood

Huh, that's weird. For some reason I could have sworn I saw something about you folks losing the house or something to that effect. Went back through the posts but I don't see it, so I guess I'm crazy. Glad that it didn't happen though. You folks do what you need to do, we'll be here in the meantime.


Take the time for yourselves. You’re right in that a lot of us aren’t okay right now, whether or not we admit it. Take the time out, recoup, then come back fresher.


That's totally fair, I hope the rest helps! You're very right, I think everyone is struggling a lot and I'm glad people are embracing taking time away to heal.

Ben Burch

We are patrons, not overseers. Take the time you need!


Be safe. We love you both


It's a great final panel to be left with for a week or so though ;) Take care of each other - we will always be here <3