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New page! Need to catch up? Read the rest of the comic here! 

Things uh...sure did get bad over the course of a weekend. Schools are closed for a month, restaurants are being shut down...shit's kind of scary. We stocked up on groceries but the grocery stores themselves look like a hurricane blew through. I honestly can't thank you all enough for supporting us enough that we were able to get this house. We're incredibly lucky to be out of New Orleans right now. Others aren't so lucky, which is why it's so important that Leslie, me, and all of us affected stay in as much as we possibly can until things get better. I'll also be doing everything I can to help out my fellow Slipshine creators who are no doubt affected by this pandemic. We all gotta help each other out. Lord knows you all already do so much to help us out. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

See you on Wednesday!




Things are looking pretty gnarly out in Lafayette, too. Take care of yourselves out there and stay safe!

Jason Rock

That last panel... 😍