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So, our Feb 14th internet deadline came and went...and still no internet. They've now delayed us until the 28th, reiterating that they are still waiting on permits from the electric company to use their poles and it is still very much the electric company's fault that this is taking too long. And if it takes longer than the 28th...well, we just keep waiting. I called other places to see what our options are, but unfortunately satellite internet is horrendous here (and the salesmen are weird, pushy assholes apparently, judging from the conversation I had with one), and unfortunately, this internet we're waiting for is the best possible option. We'll just have to keep relying on hotspot data for now.

On the brightside, Leslie and I have almost finished building a porch for the front of our house! We only had rickety temporary stairs given to us by the mobile home company, which didn't work very well because our house is like 6 feet in the air. But since we had to build new stairs anyways, why not add a porch, too? So we've been working with Leslie's dad on it (which, let's be honest, was mostly his undertaking being a carpenter and all, and we were more gruntwork assistants) and we're almost done! Still needs a roof and railings, but it's big, walkable, and has stairs! It turned out really great, can't wait to just relax on it on a nice summer day. Honestly, relaxing in general just sounds nice. All of our weekends have been filled with back-breaking labor!

Unfortunately, our OTHER plans for dick stickers fell through, so Leslie's working up a design for a custom dick-shaped sticker to send off to a printer. We should hopefully get a quote this week. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten! Just things have been busy and unusually slow. We'll show you a design for the sticker next update! See you then!




Oh man. So much Shite going on for you guys. Yay for porch! DO we get to see said porch cus it sounds great NGL. Also boo on dick stickers. However, if anyone can make a solid dick in the form of a sticker it'd be Leslie.