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Uggghhh, this house has been the most anxiety-inducing thing in my life. Nothing seems to go right. We finally got the well started and it SHOULD be finished by tomorrow, but the septic crew still hasn't shown up to even get started. We have no idea what the internet situation is like, and neither does the cable company because they keep sending out surveyers who never fucking show up. Our front yard is flooded again, my computer speakers are breaking, a package we were waiting on got sent an hour away to our old apartment in New Orleans, everything is fucking awful all the time.

But then we actually go into our house and it's just wonderful. I honestly might just go there and sit on the floor tomorrow with my laptop and just write. It's so spacious and airy and even without electricity or cooling, it's always the perfect temperature. I fucking love that house. I just wish we could ACTUALLY LIVE IN IT. Hopefully we'll see the septic team tomorrow. If not, I'll probably scream and dig a hole for the damn thing myself.

Also, PRESENTING: THE FUTURE DICK WALL. We picked our the perfect spot for the dick wall! We can't wait to start decorating it! As soon as we move in, we'll place the order for the stickers and get started!

Thank you all so much for your support! We'll get through this, I swear! See you on Monday!




I might be able to help you with the stickers. I print labels for bread and cookies and other bakery items. There are always a couple stickers at each end of the print run that are unused. It’s just how the printer works. Normally they get thrown out, but that seemed wasteful so I’ve been cutting them off and saving them. These are blank high-quality, high-gloss stickers that cost a ton. I’ve got a couple hundred of them. They come in several sizes. 2x5, 2.5x8, 3.5x7, 4x4, and 4x5. Like I said, these normally get thrown out. There’s nothing that says I can’t throw them out by putting them in a box and addressing it to you.


I definitely appreciate the offer, but they specifically need to be dick-shaped and neither Leslie or myself are confident in our dick-shape-cutting capabilities. They also need to be a variety of colors. If these stickers can be both multi-colored and dick-shaped, we'd gladly pay you for them!


Some game printing sites do custom work, printplaygames.com does (https://www.printplaygames.com/product/custom-sticker-sheet/) and they are pretty easy to work with if you reach out via email.


Unfortunately they are white rectangles. I can’t really sell them because they’re not mine to sell. I’ll figure out some other use for them. I’m looking forward to seeing my name on a dick on your wall soon.