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GOOD HOUSE UPDATE: The trailer is FINISHED. It is fully constructed, inspected, and ready to be delivered. There's only two things preventing that now: We're waiting on a closing title document once the bank is done (which should be early this week) and we're waiting on the weather to dry up so they can deliver the trailer safely. So this might still actually happen this month! As soon as we get the call from the title document people, we're dropping everything and driving an hour over there ASAP. So fucking ready to get this done. Either way, things are looking WAY better now! We may still have to stay at Leslie's family's until the utilities are ready, but at least we know we won't have to stay that long! Things are looking up!

Also, I love this page. I love Clover and Coral being so cutely lewd. Leslie did a really good job on them. They're a beacon of nice, lewd sunshine in this sea of bummed out rockers. You just kinda need that sometimes, you know?

See you on Friday!




I love that we can see the end of this journey with the house! I can't wait for it's delivery and for you both to be finally at home in your own place. Long overdue and much deserved.


Suria’s got some existential shit going on. I like getting to look a little deeper into their personalities.