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New page! NSFW! Click Track 13 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

The trailer should be all finished being built tomorrow! They should be calling to let us know sometime in the morning. Then it'll take about a week for it to get onto our actual land, but hopefully we'll be able to go check it out and take pictures! We would hope, right? It IS our house and all. Either way, once we get that phone call, we will 100% be past any and all legal hurdles with the bank or attorneys or government or anything else! Then it'll just be the physical act of getting the trailer out there. Way less scared about that than any of the legal shit, honestly!

That's all for now! See you again on Friday with (hopefully) more good news!

Edit: Okay, that time I know I posted the link right the first time, but it still didn't take? It seems to be working now either way. Sorry about that!
