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Ughhh...so, we just found out yesterday that there was an open mortgage on the land from my step-dad who previously owned all the acreage before it was divided up between the rest of the family. Not only that, but there was still money owed on that mortgage...meaning it couldn't be closed. And the bank wouldn't want to loan any money to us if there's an open mortgage by someone else on our property, which is REALLY inconvenient when we've already built a driveway, cleared the land, and commissioned a trailer that's to be completed in two weeks. Basically, everything went tits up and we panicked and we thought we were about to lose everything AGAIN and might even end up in some financial ruin. I legit thought our lives could be over.

But amazingly, my step-dad just paid up the rest of the mortgage THAT DAY, 3 hours after we had found out about all this. By sheer coincidence. We spent the entire day trying to get in touch with him and was panicked when we couldn't, only to find out he was taking care of that. Apparently, he was also approaching the deadline to pay it off (only two days before, even), so he had to do it as soon as possible which just ended up being right as we found out. Unfortunately, we didn't find out about this until nearly 10:00 at night, after a lot of phone calls and driving and panicking.

Anyways, this is why it was real important for us to stick to just Mondays and Fridays this month. We gotta be able to take care of emergencies as soon as they happen. Tomorrow, we gotta go drive an hour down and get a statement from the bank that everything's paid off, or else we gotta wait 30 days for it all to clear which isn't ideal. This house is ready in two weeks, we don't wanna wait that long! We got dick stickers to put up, dammit!

That's all for now! See you on Monday!




😱 Oh gods, so happy that all got figured out for y'all! I like that the only reason the gang is going to sleep is because of "laws." Not for any of the reasons the laws are in place 😂