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LET'S HIT THE BEACH! This month's Rock Cocks pin up is a HUGE beach party pic encompassing ALL the main characters! Steg, Suria, Clover, Coral, Seth, Georgie, Elizabeth, Dakota...BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! Even Billy, Emily and Roxanne have snuck in here, too! It's a party, after all! Clothing-optional too, of course. Some are naked, some just being cute, some are sneaking off to do something naughty. Either way, it's a great time! Not only that, but this month's Singles comic continues the Clover/Coral origin story as the two finally meet and talk for the first time! Come check out the cutest comic yet! Need even more? How about a month of early comic pages and updates on Leslie's Rock Cocks interactive bus game? Hell yeah! Support the comic, get cool shit!

Want these rewards but you're not in the respective tiers? Pledge any time in August to get instant access to them! $5 gets you a month of ongoing early Rock Cocks comics and 43 bonus Singles comics, while $10 gets you all that wonderful shit PLUS 131 beautifully lewd pin ups of all your favorite characters! Offer is available throughout the entire month! BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!

We're also still in the process of getting our house! This month we'll be arranging the whole ordeal and clearing the land, so you can bet your ass we need your help still! If you want to help us out a little bit more and become a permanent fixture in our household, upgrade your pledge to $15 to join the WALL OF FAME where your name will be written on a paper dick and stuck to a wall on our house FOREVER. If you're already on that tier and you want to stay there, we will make your paper dick even FANCIER. Help us make our house-living dream a reality! Be sure to message us if you pledge and your username is different than how you'd like to be identified on a paper dick!

That's all for now! Rewards will go out around 10:00 AM CST on August 1st! See you then, and thank you all so much!



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