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Hey everybody! Unfortunately, we're going to have to skip our regularly scheduled update today. We just got back from another weekend at Leslie's family's and we are completely exhausted. Two birthday parties in a row, baby-sitting a hyperactive 13-year-old the entire time, having to try to sleep through ANOTHER freak thunderstorm while we're there (seriously, how does this keep happening). We're reached a level beyond "tired". Holy shit.

So instead, here's an old, lewd Emily picture, originally commissioned for superfan Toebone! I know a lot of you have probably seen it, but hey, maybe some haven't! Either way, I still really like how this picture came out. The colors are super nice, Leslie did a fantastic job on it. You can find a lot more pictures like this over in the Vintage Collection, if you haven't been through it already!

We'll be back on Wednesday with your regularly scheduled update! We're gonna use this little bit of extra time to actually relax, since we haven't been able to do that for the last two weeks. After we rest up today, we'll finish up Wednesday's update and get started on your Patreon rewards for next month. We haven't done a Seth/Roxanne set of pin ups in a while. Would that be something you all would like? Let us know!

See you on Wednesday!




Rest up, we understand, don't overwork yourselves


Take your time and rest. We can wait for more sexy arts. 💙


Just checked out the vintage collection, pretty cool how the rock cocks first looked.


It's totally fine if you need a little break!