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Billy's got a ring that's really important to him. Why's it so important? It's a mystery! If it's so important, how come sometimes it's not there? Because sometimes we just forget to draw it. If you ever see Billy without his ring, please tell us so we can fix that. Seriously.

See you on Friday!




Ugh, just seeing something bouncing near a drain like that makes me anxious. Can't stand it.


Ring seems to be missing: p. 602 bottom panel, p. 604 bottom left panel. Ring appears to be on ring finger instead of middle finger: p. 598, p. 601 "it's my job" panel (maybe, his hand is in an odd pose in this one).


Also, I don't know if Billy was supposed to be wearing the ring in the Cock Blocked chapter, but if so: p. 573, p. 575 top left, and p. 580.


Chapter two looks all good but I see it's on his ring finger so it being on his ring finger on p. 598 might not matter.


Thank you so much! We'll fix all of those as soon as we have time. Seriously, we appreciate this so much!


Billy looks so much better with his hair down f***ing love it like that