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Okay, NOW the concert's over. But that doesn't mean this chapter's done yet! Fair warning, this page and pretty much every remaining page in this chapter is NSFW.


So, we're finally done with crowd scenes, which means that hopefully, these pages won't take so long to do now. That presents a new problem, though, which is figuring out ways to include cameo spots. All the way up until chapter 4, we're going to have very limited spots where we can naturally squeeze in some cameos. Either VIPs are going to have to wait a little while to show up in the comic, or we're going to have to figure out something else to do. Luckily, we've already gotten in all of the cameos people have paid for so far. But the future's gonna be difficult, definitely.

Welp, that's all for now. See you later this week! 




Just a hunch, but I'm thinking I would probably enjoy catching one of their live shows.