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No lie, I kinda love doing these TV segments. They're a lot of fun, and it's great to get a chance to explore the world's reaction to the characters. I consider this TV segment a character all on its own. Which, I guess makes sense since it has it's own characters. I wonder if we should do the hosts in a pin up one day?

So, we posted the idea on Twitter, but we were wondering what you guys thought. If you remember our first comic Blaster Nation, you may remember Dan and Kim. While they were characters on their own, they were also not-so-secretly self-inserts. We were thinking about bringing those two characters back and creating a semi-BN-sequel/mostly-autobiographical comic series with them. It'll practically be a journal comic but with Kim and Dan in our roles (mostly so we can comfortably make jokes involving nudity and such), chronicling the lives of porn comic creators as they work and try to get a house. It'd play fairly loose with reality, but mostly just catalog the dumb shit we say, think and do. Would you guys be interested in that? I've already written ten or so pages of it, and it's been pretty fun to write. They would also be simple, cartoony comics that by design won't take Leslie long to draw at all, so it won't affect the Rock Cocks schedule. Not sure how we'll go about publishing it yet, but let me know if there's a demand here so I can figure out how we should go about getting it to you!

That's all for now! See you on Monday!






I would ABSOLUTELY read that Dan/Kim comic!


I would be disappointed if you didn't release these new comics of which you speak


So for the main cast, (Suria, Steg, Billy, and Emily, also maybe Sterling) who would you say irl should voice them? Like, if this was narrated who would you voice each character? Only person I can really think of is maybe Keanu Reeves for for Sterling. Don’t question why.


I love autobiographical comics so I would totally read the shit out of that!


Do it. You guys are awesome writers.


If you two think you are able to make your autobiographical comic, go right ahead! Me too I like these types of comics!

Josh Ballard

this brings up something i've always wondered: does Coral have a southern accent?


re the comic: oh no, its all a dirty dirty lie isn't it re everything else: pls that sounds hilarious, and I haven't even read blaster nation yet.


I, for one, would love to read an autobio comic. They're some of my favourite types of comics anyway! And some pin-ups of the cute TV presenters would be really cool, too! Giving those super minor characters some love!


That'd be rad. I love all your comics, and I'd love to get to see a little of what the experience might be like for the makers of such.


Hey they are from my home town sweet funny enough metal scene is big down here!