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New page! NSFW! Click Track 11 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up!

Busy busy busy. Haven't been able to take an actual day off in two weeks now. Just so much stuff to do, but with Rock Cocks/Slipshine/Hiveworks work and just real-life stuff in general. Family events to partake in, a fucking house to get built, shit's wild. At least I can take some solace in being able to write a scene in which I get Seth and Roxanne naked in the same sauna room. But not too much solace because this chapter is almost over and I reeaaally need to get back to writing more.

Expect a teaser for next month's Patreon rewards tomorrow! They're going to be sweet! See you on Friday! 



A Guy

Between Roxanne and Melody, Seth seems to have a lot of naked conversations with tall blondes. ... heck of a problem to have, right there.