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New page! Click Track 11 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

We're back! Sorry again for missing the last update. You'll all be happy to know that Bruce (our chihuahua, for newcomers) is doing MUCH better! He's eating his food, taking his medicine, getting plenty of water and has done nothing but cuddle up on us. He's slowly but surely getting back to his old self. Thank you all so much for helping us help him! We couldn't have gotten his surgery without you!

Since Bruce wants nothing more than both of his favorite humans to sit on the couch with him while he's in discomfort, I went and bought a Chromebook during his surgery so I could work from the couch. And let me tell you, this thing is a godsend. I was actually falling way behind on writing Rock Cocks. I only had 1 page written before the surgery. Yesterday though, I managed to sit down and write 15 pages of Rock Cocks with Bruce on my lap! I finished the rest of this chapter and wrote one of the best scenes yet! And again, this was all thanks to your support! Now that I can sit with Bruce and still get work done, expect to get some of the best Rock Cocks material you've ever seen!

That's all for today! See you soon with a teaser for February's Patreon rewards!




Family comes first. You don’t need to apologize for missing an update. Especially since Bruce needed help


Well done, Bruce! Extra tummy rubs and ear skritches!