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So, this has to be the lewdest page on Rock Cocks, right? Just an entire page of Suria at her sexiest. Leslie did such a fantastic job! Look at that look in her eyes!

So, as some of you know, I'm an editor over at Slipshine and I finally managed to convince the powers-that-be to reduce the subscription price for a little bit! For the next week, you can subscribe to Slipshine for $10 a month! I hate trying to sell you guys even more stuff since you do so much for us already, but Slipshine really means a lot to me. It's a wonderful, sex-positive community of adult content creators and enthusiasts and with tumblr removing all adult content, having a place like Slipshine is more important than ever. I want it to grow even bigger, be able to help more adult artists, help them create new porn comics and get paid for it. To do all that, Slipshine needs more subscribers. If you can't subscribe yourself, please share the link and see if any of your porn-loving friends are interested!

Thank you all so much for your support! See you on Friday!




I remember the first time a girl looked at me like that. I remember that like it was yesterday.