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Hey everyone! Leslie wanted to do some more general Rock Cocks art that isn't just pin ups and singles comics! So here you go, just in time for the holidays, a nice gift-wrapped Elizabeth just for you! We also have a special unwrapped version exclusive for all you Patrons, just in case you don't want any of that silly old wrapping covering up the good stuff. Plus in case you missed it before, we also got Suria in her Santa dress and reindeer bondage Steg! God damn, I love winter.

Click here for gift-wrapped Elizabeth!

Click here for un-wrapped Elizabeth!

Click here for Santa dress Suria!

Click here for reindeer bondage Steg!

All these and more are also available over on the web-version of the Vintage Collection, too! Enjoy! 




These look amazing! Keep up the good work n_n


Love Elizabeth, great job with this!

Nicholas A. Jalowick

YES! Good sexy Elizabeth fun! Thanks for this, and happy holidays! =D


Not sure if this present means she’s been good or naughty...but I’ll take it!

Joshua Skaug

Holy fuck, I love that one with Steg! Are some of these Pin-Ups just for fun, or is there any canon in them, like do Steg and Suria like a little kinky, bondage fun; or how about the ones with Steg, paired up with Sterling, Georgie, and even Billy Rocket; I'd love it if Steg and Suria ended up doing a Bi-three or even four-way! I also loved the vintage pic with Suria and the tentacles!


They're mostly for fun, but they can be considered mostly canon or at the very least in-character. We'll keep your suggestions in mind!