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Here they are! It's November's pin ups, plus all the other pin ups! Click here to check them out! 

This one was an absolute BITCH to flat-color. Let it be known that we don't fill-bucket anything here at Rock Cocks. Leslie's way of shading doesn't really work with fill-bucket, as many of the individual parts that make up a character/setting (i.e. hair, clothes, etc) all get their own layers for easy individual shading and manipulation. And since we're using an older version of photoshop and all the colors have to be under the inks, fill-bucketing just doesn't work. So I have to go in and color and make layers for every single thing, and in the case of these pin ups, that also included all the individual treasure pieces, details, the bones of the skeletons, EVERYTHING. It took roughly four hours of straight-up flat-coloring per pin up. That said, they came out great and we still had fun with them! Sadly, only two more characters left for the fantasy-themed pin up collection. What roles do you think Billy and Emily would roll?

See you soon with a new page!



Earnest Adams III

I must be blind because I don't see the new pinups.


Whoops! Accidentally linked to last month's rewards. Should be fixed now!