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We're already working on the next track! We're so fucking excited for the future of Rock Cocks. You might even get a hint of what's to come very soon~. Wednesday's page is going to be big, so brace yourself!

See you on Wednesday!




The last panel is Mr. Sterling to the fanbase.


I swear Seth is my spirit animal


Georgie is like the Wallace Wells of the Rock Cocks universe

Justin Wood

See, as much as I'd lecture about how while he's right that even if they hadn't reported the state of the resort, someone else would have, and then Clover and Coral would have been up a creek without a paddle, the fact that he hid it from Steg and Suria is going to cause a rift between them when they inevitably find out. Hell, it might also create a rift between Sterling and Georgie. Despite his attitude in the last panel, Seth has clearly demonstrated that he does care about Georgie more than just someone he can have sex with, and casually dismissing Georgie's input on the matter is uncalled for. It's a really shitty move that's going to come back to bite him in the ass later. My biggest question though is why the hell he couldn't report it himself. It just seems like a lot of moves to further distance himself from the results of his actions.