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Man! So, somebody backed into my car. Don't worry, we weren't in the car. They just backed into it while it was parked in the apartment complex's parking lot. Completely destroyed my bumper, though. Luckily, the guy was nice enough to leave a note with his phone number. Unluckily, despite the really nice gesture, he was still a huge asshole. He refused to give me his insurance and kept insisting he shop around for a cheap used bumper because my car was "a piece of shit". After a lot of arguing, we ended up bringing the car and him to a body shop, where the guy paid for the damages. He sure wasn't happy with us after having to drop $700 to fix our bumper, but he can say whatever the hell he wants about us. He's still paying.

Unfortunately, the guy lives in our apartment complex, so we'll be seeing this guy a lot. I think once our lease is up, Leslie and I might look into buying an actual house, if anything just so we won't have to deal with shitty neighbors ever again. We're so done with communal living. Plus, it'll end up being cheaper than our current rent, so it would be smarter to do anyways. We'll let you know how that goes.




That sucks and the guy got what he deserved. fingers crossed for you guys that you don't get to see him that much and I hope when you do look for a home that you find the one you've both always dreamt of.


Did something happen between dakota and Elizabeth? They've been kinda awkward towards each other this morning. Plus he let his hair down. Sexy time gon wrong? Lol


Booo to your horrible neighbor, if you make a mistake driving then you have to put it right! Well done for standing up for yourselves and insisting on fixing your car the way YOU wanted! Side note: IS THAT A STEVEN UNIVERSE TANK TOP?!! 🌟😍