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Well, here's a post I had hoped I'd never have to type.

Over the last 24 hours, several NSFW Patreons have been getting suspended. Modelling, hentai, illustrations, comics, all sorts of adult stuff has been getting suspended out of nowhere. There's been complete radio silence on Patreon's part, so we have no idea what's going on. Could be Patreon cracking down on adult content, or it could just be a weird glitch. We don't know if our Patreon is in danger, but we also can't really risk getting suddenly suspended with no way of letting you know what's happening or where to go from there. As said above, this is just a precautionary post in case the worst happens.

So, if Patreon shuts us down, Slipshine will take over complete hosting duties for The Rock Cocks. Unfortunately, that also means that new pages will be behind Slipshine's paywall as well, meaning Rock Cocks will no longer be free to read. I know that sucks. I don't want that to happen. If things could just stay exactly as they are right now, that would be ideal.  But if Patreon IS pulling adult content and takes us down, then Slipshine is the ONLY way we would be able to both work on the comic and stay afloat. There is no other alternative. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

That said, even if Patreon doesn't shut us down, here's a bunch of reasons why you should consider subscribing to Slipshine anyways:

1. Slipshine has a huge archive of adult comics. Over a hundred different series with thousands of pages covering all sorts of pairings and kinks, all for a cheap-ass rate as low as $10 a month.

2. Because the site is subscription based, it means that Slipshine is able to pay the artists that post on there some pretty good pay rates. By supporting Slipshine, you help pay the rent and bills of a number of incredibly talented adult comic creators. Click the link to get a small taste.

3. I (Brad) also do a couple of other comics that can only be read on Slipshine. I write Play with Me (drawn by Sweez with characters from Otako Studios) and Demon's Layer (drawn by Mike Luckas). Want some previews? Click here for Play with Me and here for Demon's Layer. They're a lot of fun and definitely worth checking out.

4. Leslie and I have an entire set of older porn comics we used to do called Tissue Box Comics, which has all sorts of crazy exhibitionism shenanigans! Want some previews? Click here, here, and here! Want more? Go check out Slipshine!

5. I recently took on the job of Slipshine's administrator a few months ago, and have been diligently working to make Slipshine the best it can be. I've followed Slipshine for years and I genuinely love the site and everything it represents, and I know it can be even better. I want to make Slipshine a beacon for adult comic artists everywhere and do everything I can to support and grow more erotic comic creators just like us. So even if Patreon doesn't delete us, if you'd like to help get even more adult comics out there in the world, then getting a Slipshine subscription would go a long way.

6. It's just another way to support Rock Cocks, get more Rock Cocks comics and get access to a hundred other good, sexy comic series all at the same time.

Whew...I think that's enough for now. Again, I hope nothing actually happens. I hope this was all just a weird misunderstanding or glitch or something, but it's still best that you know what can possibly happen. At the very least, even if we get suspended, this message will still pop up in your emails.

Rock Cocks will continue on as normal until something happens. So until then, let's hope Patreon reinstates all those NSFW accounts! If we do get suspended soon, then we just want you all to know how much your support has meant to us. We could never have gotten this far without you. We wouldn't have been able to move back home, live on our own, or raise our cute, goofy chihuahua without you. All of our success, we owe completely to you. You guys have changed our lives for the better, and we could never thank you enough for all the joy you have brought us. But dammit, we'll try. From the bottom of our hearts, Leslie and I thank you, and I hope we can keep on doing this right here on Patreon, right until the end.

See you again on Friday (hopefully)!



I’d prefer to sub to you guys directly but I guess my 10 bux can go to Slipshine instead if the worst happens. :)


WHAT?! Who got suspended on Patreon up until now?


Too many to list, all adult content creators. If you have Twitter, search "patreon suspended" on there


I hope patreon ends up supporting you all!

Mobius Scarf

So far, in most of the cases I've seen, it's either because the content creator was offering pornography (by Patreon's definition, which means it has to involve real people) as a reward, or because they accidentally included adult content in public posts or promo banners. The former case shouldn't apply to you guys (since all of your porn is drawn) and if the latter case does, correcting whatever offending posts might exists should probably get the suspension removed. I see some other suspensions were lifted within an hour of people correcting things like that. I'm wondering if Patreon's recent acquisition of Kit has something to do with this. Like they're trying to make the site more "advertiser friendly" or some BS.


So honest question. Is slipline or patrion the better one to support you guys through while still keeping the same benefits which ever one you say is the one ill do


I’m a Slipshine subscriber, as well as supporting you here. If anyone is on the fence about Slipshine, I can say it’s worth it to me. There are a ton a great artists and stories over there with new content almost daily. I’ve been a subscriber for about three years now and there is still so much to discover in the archives.


Honest answer, Patreon. But if our Patreon goes away, Slipshine. Thank you so much!


*fingers crossed* you guys don't get shut down and if you do I wish you luck cause I don't think I would be able to do Slipshine sub I just don't see it being worth in my opinion for just to read one comic I rarely find something this good and you guys have done amazing with this series. I just wish and hope Patreon don't be dicks and shut you down, it's not like you can see any nudity on your page so heres hoping