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Here they are! It's this month's pin ups (plus all the other pin ups)! Click here to check them out! 

We knew we wanted to do a Clover pin up this month and thought it'd be cute to have a totally unglamorous shot of her just lounging in front of her computer. Our theme for casual nudity came from that idea, and the only real candidate for some male casual nudity at Pleasant Valley was Georgie. Georgie may not have much to do this chapter, but at least he always has time to whip his dick out for pin ups.

Let's do some summery pin ups next month! See you soon with a new Rock Cocks page!

Edit: A thousand apologies! We're currently house-sitting for Leslie's parents with no access to a computer, so I had to post this from our phone. I hadn't realized I accidentally set this to $5+ access. It only lasted for a minute, but I ended up having to redo the link. Sorry again!



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