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I'm almost done writing this chapter! Had a bit of writer's block for a while, but I'm back on track writing some pretty strong scenes that Leslie's a big fan of. I can't believe this chapter's almost going to be about 100 pages long. I remember when we used to try and commit to around 30-40 pages per chapter and even that seemed like too much. But at least stuff is constantly happening in this chapter, there's always advancement. I really like how this chapter has come out, and I think you'll be surprised by the ending (and even more excited for track 11!).

See you on Wednesday!




Steg is a precious cinnamon roll and must be protected Yes, I know I've said this about every character in this comic and it's ALWAYS TRUE


I hope those are tears of pride and joy


Poor Steg is just overcome with the beauty of it all.


Do I have to be on my PC to read these or is there a mobile friendly version?


Unfortunately, we haven't figured out any way to make a more mobile friendly version than what we currently have. If you can't access the early comics at all, please try the most recent Patreon post, located here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/page-480-19460242">https://www.patreon.com/posts/page-480-19460242</a>