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New page! Kinda NSFW! Click track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Man, we are so fucking happy with how this page came out. We liked the first panel so much that we just kinda went and made it its own little pin up kind of thing. Check it out here! Maybe we'll turn it into a print sometime? Hell, I kind of want this picture over my desk.

So, I've got a little bit of news. Unfortunately, Slipshine needs some help filling out content for the next few months. We're trying to find new artists, but the site needs immediate content to post while we find and hire said artists. Until then, they've asked me to post our bonus Singles comics. Not all of them, mind you, but a good bit of them. So, over the next three months, Slipshine will be slowly posting the first 25 of the Singles comics, give or take. Please note that we won't be posting ANY new Singles comics on Slipshine after the three months are up, because I really do want them to stay as a Patreon-exclusive. This really is a kind of emergency situation. I'm honestly not even sure I'm supposed to tell you, but since it IS (older) content that was originally exclusive to you guys, I wanted you to know. Trust me, I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't necessary. They ARE still paying us for these bonus comics, so that's nice, but I'm still actively trying to find some other content to fill-in because I don't ever want to have to do this again. I'll be happy to answer any questions or hear any comments you have below.

See you on Monday!




I honestly don’t mind if Patreon-exclusive content goes up at Slipshine. I support artists on Patreon not for exclusive goodies but to help the artists continue making the art I enjoy. If selling that content to Slipshine helps them and you, then go for it.


I loved slipshine back in the day and personally don't mind having the older content being added there at all if it helps keep them going.


I'm with Pop above, exclusives/bonuses are nice but I contribute to support. I found you guys thru Slipshine so do what you gotta to help out there. And yeah, that first panel is perfection!


HOLY GIGGITY SHIT!!! That "Suck My Rock" music video is SPECTACULARLY AWESOME!!! That cartoony/realistic drawing style, wich I already really loved from the first time I've read The Rock Cocks, the more than beautiful badass powerful colors and of course all that sexiness... man... This is some maestro level of art! By looking at all that music video sequence as a whole one panel at the time, i could totally imagine all of this in an animated form with Ken Ashcorp's "Suck My Rock" playing in the background! I dont regret one bit having subscribed and pledged to your Patreon account for all the bonus comics, pin ups, other wonderful Leslie's drawings and just to see right now how the "Suck My Rock" music video finally turned out! Long live to you guys and long live The Rock Cocks!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-25 12:47:28 Do what you have to do =] And holy shit this was a fun couple of pages <3
2018-05-19 03:21:20 Do what you have to do =] And holy shit this was a fun couple of pages <3

Do what you have to do =] And holy shit this was a fun couple of pages <3


Thank you so much! This was a really fun scene to do in a comic that's already so fucking fun to make!