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Hey, so, uh, I accidentally forgot to announce that we posted an earlier page. OOPS. But hey, for those who haven't been checking the comic, we have TWO new pages for you! http://therockcocks.com/index.php?id=55 http://therockcocks.com/index.php?id=56 Well, that's it for that scene, and unfortunately for our three updates a week. Next few pages are going to be ridiculously complicated, so expect us to slow down a bit. I think you'll like how the rest of this chapter plays out. Let us know what you think!



Awww man... those guys only just showered! XP - I tease - it's awesome and great way to chill before the tension gets to them before a show.


I'll bet they'd soon consider smelling like sex to be part of the show :3