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New page! NSFW! Click track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

God, everyone looks so CUTE in this page! Leslie did such a good job here. Hell, she's done a great job this whole chapter. Just go look at the thumbnails in the google drive link for chapter 10 and look at all the beautiful color shifts through the chapter! Every scene has its own unique color pallet! It looks so good!

Also, update on the last blog post: We got new phones! Leslie and I officially have our own individual cell phones for the first time in...hell, at least five years! We both splurged and got Galaxy S9s (not the S9+, didn't really see any reason to spend more on stuff we didn't need). Holy SHIT these are nice phones. Nice camera, super fast, and I can fucking play Crazy Taxi on it! Now we don't have to butt heads when it comes to personalizing the phone, either! I've got my phone blasting Sega Dreamcast menu noises whenever I get a notification, and Leslie pumped hers full of Roadhog voice clips. These things are great! Thank you all so much for supporting us enough that we can get stuff like this!

Tomorrow, we'll have previews for next month's Patreon rewards! See you then!




Enjoy the S9s! I used to be a big Apple person till I met my husband, and he got me hooked on Android. First the HTC M8, then the Edge 7 (after the Note 7 kept exploding) and now our Note 8s. Solid pieces of hardware. Enjoy the customization/personalization too!