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Whew! We're back from Leslie's family's house. We had to stay over the weekend to babysit her niece while her family went off to spooky haunted houses. It was fun. Exhausting, difficult, disgusting at times, but there was some fun to be had. It did, however, reaffirm our strong stance on never having kids ever. Also, we ended up watching Boss Baby and somehow that movie is surprisingly decent. It's kind of a struggle staying awake now that we're back, though, so I'm cutting this blog post off right abooouut now.

See you on Wednesday!




Yeeeesssss! YEEEESSSSS!!


I know where this going but I still hope Lizzie still gets a bit of Mr.Sterling and Georgie lol. (I'm 3-some filth)


I ship this something powerful...


Just absolutely ADORE Dakota!!! ;3;


I spent a good 5 minutes flailing over this perfectly shippy page and explaining it to my roommate, and in the process came to the conclusion that Elizabeth and Dakota need to go on a bad dragon shopping spree so Elizabeth can pick out the biggest dicks for Dakota's strapon <3


I was on the treadmill and I nearly fell off when I saw the update! Guys, it's happeniiiiiiing!! <3


This file is labeled p 434 in the Google folder. Had to double check the name of today's update to make sure. They are a really cute pair though. :3


This is so adorable.~