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You asked for it, you backed the comic for it, and now it's here! It's The Rock Cocks Vintage Collection, a folder filled to the brim with everything from the classic black and white Rock Cocks days. As a bonus, we also tossed in some of the newer art, too! Everything's in there: The Slipshine comics, the bonus art, even some unused stuff you've never seen! Check it out! You can access it here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5AT-gedH_IOfkVSVUNJSF8xVUhqdURlWnpoOHFtN0MtVHU5TFBBem5UV1VjMHlLWTc1cXc&usp=sharing It will be up and available to download FOREVER. Hope it holds up well!





Are the Slipshine Comics going to be added at a later date?


If you mean the Tissue Box comics, then probably not. We worked a special deal with Slipshine to get the original Rock Cocks comics available to non-members, but Slipshine completely owns the digital rights to Tissue Box. We can sell printed versions, but that's about it. Sorry.