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Hey guys! Thought we'd post Leslie's morning warm-up doodle, a cute Suria Christmas bunny. Man, bunny outfits are just the best.

No stream today! Unfortunately, having really complicated backgrounds means coloring is going to take a long-ass time, way too long to have a stream constantly going. But that's okay, it just means I can focus more on writing today as well.

Speaking of which, I need to work on this month's Singles comic, but I'm a bit stumped on what I want to write about. Any characters you'd like us to focus on this month? Let us know!

See you tonight with a brand new Rock Cocks!



Justin Wood

Happy birthday to me! :D Shame it's not full color, but I don't mind!

Jack Wynd

So pretty 😍


Maybe a Dakota and Steg talking about the eating out lesson they just learn, George having a dream in the car, or Clover and Coral having a "loving" moment to themselves after showing their video to everyone?


Coral for singles for sure, she’s the *cutest*. 💓


Yeah I'd be into maybe a follow up to that Elizabeth x Dakota illustration we got as a pin up last month?

A Guy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-25 12:49:32 A singles comic about Clover & Coral would be great! Or maybe something between Elizabeth and Melody? Really, I just wanna see Elizabeth gettin' all flustered around naked people. :)
2017-12-18 04:33:52 A singles comic about Clover & Coral would be great! Or maybe something between Elizabeth and Melody? Really, I just wanna see Elizabeth gettin' all flustered around naked people. :)

A singles comic about Clover & Coral would be great! Or maybe something between Elizabeth and Melody? Really, I just wanna see Elizabeth gettin' all flustered around naked people. :)


Elizabeth shopping at the adult toy store.


Not sure how else to put it, but this was the winning post! Mostly the last suggestion with Elizabeth. I wrote a cute script based on that idea and Leslie can't stop fawning over. I think you'll all love it! Some of the other suggestions here were actually going to happen in the main comic itself, so look forward to that, too!

A Guy

Woo! I'm helping! If you ever need a guest writer, lemme know! ;) (I can't draw for shit, sadly).