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If you received a message from Patreon, then you probably already know that credit card processing fees will now be added on any future pledge starting next month. Before, processing fees would just be taken out of the pledges themselves (which we were fine with, seeing as it meant patrons could just pay a flat rate even if it meant less money for us). With this new change, however, the 2.9% processing fee will be added to the amount you pledge, along with an extra $.35 fee.

So, starting next month, pledges will ACTUALLY cost you this:

$1 pledge = $1.38

$5 pledge = $5.50

$10 pledge = $10.65

$100 pledge = $103.35

Please keep in mind that while I'm not 100% sure this is accurate or not, the extra $.35 fee may be added to EVERY individual pledge you make. So for example, if you support two creators, you would pay two different $.35 fees. I'm not sure why that would be and I don't know if it's 100% accurate, but please keep that in mind.

Look guys, I'm not going to sugarcoat this. This sucks. I, along with every Patreon-user I know, has emailed and tweeted and done whatever we can to beg Patreon not to change this up. The old system worked just fine for us before. I suppose they have some other reason for forcing this change at us, and honestly, we're at their whims. As much as this sucks, the positives of Patreon are too much for me to ignore, and I really do hope they make this right in some other way.

If you cannot afford the new processing fee changes and need to drop out, we totally get it. We understand that this is gonna cause some undue stress for people trying to support creators with what they can afford to give. For those that stick by even with these changes, thank you so much. We are going to do everything we can to make these rewards worth the extra financial hassle you're being shafted with. Starting next month, we'll start working again on the Dakota prequel blog, exploring what he was doing in the months before he found Steg and Suria. We're also considering converting the Singles comic reward into an ongoing prequel miniseries starring Clover and Coral, focusing on their early relationship and how they ended up at Pleasant Valley. We're still working with artists to create more cool art for the Artist Showcase and we'll try to be more reliable with a more consistent stream schedule. You're already donating generously to us, and if Patreon is going to try to charge you more on top of that, then the least we can do is make it worth your while.

Let me stress that even though this sucks ass, Patreon is still the only way we can keep doing this comic. Without Patreon, we would have to stick Rock Cocks behind a paywall or worse, cancel it altogether as we find other work. Patreon itself has been one of the greatest things to happen to us, all thanks to you guys, of course. But we wouldn't even be able to receive your incredible support without the services they provide. I understand they need to get paid too, but I really hope they learn from the overwhelming disappointment and frustration they've earned with this change and try to make things right.

Thank you all so much, and again, I'm so sorry and I wish there was more we could do or an option to opt out. We'll be posting tonight's Rock Cocks early because man, we're not gonna try to compete with tonight's Game Awards. See you again real soon!



I'm sticking with you guys. The comic is too sexy to turn back now ;)


I just came back to supporting you guys after being away for some months due financial problems. I won't be going away again anytime soon! This sucks, it's definitely a shitty move by Patreon, but I hope many people can afford to keep their support. You guys deserve it!


I'm going to up my pledge. Hopefully it'll help cover anything you lose due to people leaving. You guys so a fantastic job and I'd be devastated to see you go. You guys can get through this and we'll be with you every step <3


Eh, I don't care. I'll continue supporting you nerds no matter what. I've given odd pledge amounts all the time when the goals are close to being met anyways. You cannot escape my MONEY


Hah, we've got even sexier shit planned for the future! We're just getting started!


Thank you so much! I want to hope that Patreon's listening to the near-universal criticism and will make things right.


Holy shit, thank you so much! We really appreciate it! But be sure to lower your pledge back down later, we'd feel bad if you kept doing it and we didn't have anything else to give you! Seriously though, thank you!


We could never escape our best friend Drew! He runs an underground surveillance system deep in the heart of Kamurocho to keep track of us at all times!


It won't impact me, you guys are so far the only ones I support on here, sorry patreon is doing this to you, I also want to let you know I've greatly enjoyed this comic, and I thought I'd take a moment to tell you guys I performed last night and Michael Allman(son of Gregg Allman of the Allman Brothers band) was watching. I did so good he didn't want me to stop playing.

Lucanid Landman

For me, the fees are not a dealbreaker, but I know how fickle people can be with this kind of thing. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the impact for you guys is minimal. (love your work)


I am fortunate enough to be able to continue to afford my support even with these fees. In fact, I’m willing to add a few bucks to my monthly support to cover any drop offs you may experience from this change. You two are very talented and deserve all that comes to you.


This is an awesome strip. I’m proud to support you—creators gotta get paid.

Nicholas A. Jalowick

Well, Kickstarter is coming up with their own answer to Patreon, Drip, though it's still at the invite-only stage right now, apparently. Hopefully that pans out and you can move there if needs be. I've also heard they'll be more friendly to adult/erotic content, so there's that.


I have recently gotten a better job and upped my pledge from $1 to $10 cause you're one of my favorite creators on this platform, and I want to see everything that the awesome universe of Rock Cocks has to offer. This turn of events won't change my decision and I'll be sticking with you guys to the very end. Rock on dudes, you've got my full support!


Thank you very much, and also, fucking nice! That must be quite an honor!


Thank you so much! We have gotten quite a few people who've understandably had to back out due to these changes, but we're still going very strong thanks to people like you!


Thank you! While we do appreciate the gesture, we're more than okay if you just stick to the tier amounts. We really do feel bad over people who pledge more since there's nothing else we can give at the moment.


Will they? Kickstarter has been weird about adult content before. But unfortunately, even if Drip does open up and we were to move to that, having to rebuild and regain support on another platform will be way too painful. It will probably take months to get back to where we are now, which isn't the worse but still not ideal when this is our main source of income. That's why I'm hoping Patreon just gets their shit together.


Thank you! Proud to have someone as awesome as you as a supporter!

Nicholas A. Jalowick

I was mainly going by how they were okay with the Smut Peddler books that got funded there a while back, but Kickstarter may have changed their policies regarding erotic content since then. Seems like everything online is at the whims of big investors nowadays. Sorry guys. I'll still keep supporting you here, so don't worry about that! Really wish there were more options, of course.


Don't worry guys I'm sticking with you! You guys are so fucking awesome and it really shows in Rock Cocks. I found you guys in September and I have adopted the comic because it's the best plot I have ever seen in a comic and because omfg it is hot! So to that I say Brad, Leslie, keep on the good work because you guys give us one hell of a hot comic! Rock On!🤘


it is, I hope you guys might do me the honor of giving my page on facebook, Evan French Music a like, I just reached over a hundred likes, and I'm trying to get more.


Yeah, I know Smut Peddler and other Iron Circus books have been printed through Kickstarter, but I'm not sure if they'd be so keen on funding ongoing pornographic projects like ours with Drip. We'll have to see. But yeah, more options would be great, and I do like seeing stuff like Gumroad and Kofi reacting to Patreon's shit by announcing improvements, but I do genuinely believe that despite this shitty step, Patreon will improve from here. At least, that's the hope.


Thanks so much! We really do love the universe we made for Rock Cocks, and we couldn't explore it without awesome-ass people like you! I can't wait to get into the crazier shit we've got in store!

Nicholas A. Jalowick

Yep, I'm hoping for the best, too. Worst comes to worst, though, I'll mail you guys a check to support you! You're great, and so is the Rock Cocks :)