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Hey guys! So, unfortunately, we're only going to be able to do one page of Rock Cocks this week. Huge bummer, I know. Why only one page? Because, well, LOOK AT HOW NUTS THIS PAGE IS. That's the problem though with doing something as crazy detailed as Rock Cocks right alongside another comic. Comics take a long time! We don't get days off. Every day, we're doing either Rock Cocks or Blaster Nation. That's why you guys are so important! We're slowly getting closer to our second milestone, and if you guys could help spread the word, we'd really appreciate it! We've already got a guy lined up, ready to crank out some beautiful inks for Blaster Nation. We just need to be able to pay him! Even if we're a couple hundred away, we can get him started! Pacing is important in our comics, and we don't want you guys to be stuck with one page a week! Thank you guys again. YOU'RE THE BEST. And for you guys who went for the VIP reward, message me! We gotta start getting your character info. All the rewards will go out at the end of this month! We've even thrown in some extra stuff that I'll surprise you with. See you when the page is done!

