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Hello, $10+ Patrons! We made a poll for you guys to determine exactly what you want in the monthly pin-ups! Now, since this will be our first month doing this, it only makes sense that the first two characters posing will be Steg and Suria! But WHAT they'll be doing is up to YOU. Or the majority of you, at least. Now, don't worry, this poll won't completely determine how every pin-up will be for the rest of eternity. We just want to see what the majority of you want. Do you want cool shots? Cheese/beefcake? Full-on pornography? Let us know! Vote below! http://strawpoll.me/3326477 Note: Whatever you choose goes for both the guys AND girls appearing in the pin-ups. For example, if you vote to have Suria do something lewd, Steg will do something equally as lewd in the same monthly pin-up.


Straw Poll



I wouldn't mind a mix of both. But if I had to choose one I want Steg as LEWD as possible. :)