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New page! Seth, you dick. 

No lie, I've been having some serious writer's block for like a month straight now. Like, it was getting kind of worrying, we were running out of pages real quick, but I kept rewriting and then throwing things out, nothing was working, it was miserable. Nothing worse than just sitting there, staring at your monitor for hours on end, you've done everything you can to get yourself in that writing mindset, and yet still you can't come up with a single thing. Anyway, I'm telling you this because inspiration finally struck and I've cranked out like 15 Leslie-approved pages including what I think may be our best scene yet. After a lot of struggling, we finally got something I think you'll all love. Best part? It's coming up pretty soon!

See you on Wednesday!




man, Elizabeth deserves a vacation

A Guy

I hear you about the writer's block thing. But keep up the good work! This is one of my favorite smutty comics. And, y'know, next time you get stuck, just add in gratuitous nudity. People love that!


Oho, don't worry, we've got PLENTY of gratuitous nudity coming up!


Or a good alone time with a huge vibrator inside her baggage