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Here's a fun new twist for y'all.

I finished the main illustration for this a good month ago now, but thought I could extend events easy enough and turn that into a special little treat for my loyal Patrons.  I didn't entirely intend to take it as far as I did and make all of the individual panels illustration quality, but hopefully y'all find the extra effort worth it. ;)

I broke this down a fair number of ways, so hopefully there's a presentation in this set that suits your individual fancies. 

I also finally got back to that Chain Chompette pinup from like a year ago, so give or take some Halloween diversions I'll hopefully have that ready for y'all soon too. If you lot are fans of this, maybe I'll give her a similar treatment as well...?  It takes me a while so let me know what you think!

- Z.




oh my lord you've done really well with this!