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I haven't drawn in a long time, and anything vore related in an even longer time,

I need some time to regain energy for this.

Currently it's been about 1 month and I cannot fully guarantee when I will "return".

Only after all of this time I finally feel like I'm recharging.

I could post big tiddy tomorrow or after a month, only at the moment when I feel like it.

 I hope you understand, I never forced this and I don't want to. 

(I didn't post "on a break" earlier, because I usually draw the next day I think about announcing a break)



The last thing any of us want is for you to burn yourself out and end up hating art. take your time, we'll be here <3

ron hawkins

It's totally cool, take however long you need to recharge. I appreciate whatever you put out

Bigmudder 24

Yeah you're good mental health is important.