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We're looking for a Level Designer, and a Programmer!

Level Designer
You would work together with me and our writer Kadi on lore, decorating Skiia, and building new islands for Hunt and Snare. 

You don't need to have 3D modelling experience, but it's a plus. You do however need experience using Unity and doing level design (item placement, building scenes, and so forth, not just sketching and concepting levels).

We'd expect you to be able to put 20-50 hours per month to working on level design.

You would work with me and Drathek on new gameplay features, optimizing, and tweaking/fixing bugs.

You need to have good experience with programming in Unity as we don't have enough time to start teaching the engine. Jam experience is a plus, or having worked on other shipped titles!

We'd expect you to be able to put 50+ hours per month on programming.

Apply here (deadline 15th of March, 2020):

If either of these positions interest you, please apply using google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScs8T4iXH9QikeJ9RZENCtquEtVdM-vGtnYR5OFZcvsCvFAYw/viewform?usp=sf_link





Whe we get an update?


I am sure you will find these people soon, and then you can provide us wonderful content that will please everyone)


Are you doing this all on your own ?


No, there's currently 4 people working on the project fulltime and couple of part timers doing outsource work ^^


I use to mess around with unity and make little scenes, I haven't done it in a long time. It would be so cool to work on this, I may just really get back into it just for when/if the opportunity arises again.


yay more devs! hopefully this means more updates. i love heccin love this game. youre the best UwU


I'd love to participate in a game project, but I don't think I have nearly enough experience >.<


so i remember while ago seeing something about a dragon-ish race, and since then I don't think I've seen or heard much of it. is it still a possibility or are you guys just focused on getting the core mechanics and world built before races and stuff


A "dragon-ish race" is definitely still being worked on. I've just had to redo it few times, you know, for personal perfection ^^


When can you create cum function? Mr Ruffleneck