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Ruffle here! I wanted to make a small update on the upcoming build as it's taking us a lot longer than I originally anticipated ^^

I'm definitely not perfect at properly estimating time it takes to do some things, especially not because so many things connect to other things in the project and we've been more focusing (lately) on making meaty builds instead of pushing smaller builds frequently. Not sure what is optimal, so, there's a small poll in the end of this post on what you'd personally prefer; Small frequent builds, or less frequent and a lot more meaty builds ^^

What we are going to do, is basically split up this upcoming build into two builds so that we can get more stuff for you a bit faster (I don't like there being this long between two builds, it's stressful and feels unfair towards you ^^'), and then soon after release the full build.

First, we'll release a new character editor as a preview build. The characters created in it, won't be usable in older builds (sorry!) but will be usable in the subsequent builds. So basically you can create and share characters between your friends, enemies, and family (or other people on the Discord server of course). The character editor will come with all the builds of course, this is just a temporary special case so that you can get your hands dirt(ier)!

Second, the full release of r4.22 will come few weeks after the character editor preview... Assuming all goes well of course! It is fairly likely to happen, as all the Big Question Marks are already cleared, and it's just content polishing and adding missing bitlies and boblies ^^

We're now at the stage where I feel like it's comfortable to say that the game is *fun* (in italics, bolded, with underline) even without sounds, so r4.22 will be ***fun*** (in italics, bolded, with underline, and too big font size) with sounds. Along with officially having Davh (doggies) as playable race, it will also have the new character editor (officially) and sounds (officially, without that one pesky waterfall in very old build having sounds attached to it by accident). The r4.22 will also have water replaced with something that... looks about as good, will react a bit worse, but also will not tank your FPS as bad. So if you used to get 10-15 fps, you should get closer to 30 now (no promises on exact numbers!) <3

Also, what I'm most excited about, it will have a "Rumor Mill". A person, location, or other source that generally will give you hints to what you can do, or what you could do, or what there is hidden in the game ^^

Obviously I don't want to spoil you on the sex-content itself, so I'll unzip it, and.. ...Oh! Pick your favorite option on the poll!

Sorry for taking so long with the next build!

With love, Ruffle out <3



In regards to the frequency of the builds, I don't mind the waiting, But! the radio silence irks me. Just small updates about how the build is coming along, no etas or anything(!!!) would be great. I check the twitter as well but it's not very often there's anything posted :) for example if a build takes awhile to piece together, a small update every few weeks would be cool!


That's very true! I definitely should post here more (or most) often too. I tend to show small things over at Discord as posting small progress stuff over here feels tad bit spammy ^^


I'm curious as to how Hunter or Hunted will be implicated


I feel that simple communication is the best. Like a headsup whats being done between big updates :o Sort of a peace of mind thing I suppose?


looks like Xhianil and Meta will be getting some company