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Good day and good evening, my fuzzy little silky butts of love! :3

We're now nearly at the very beginning of 2018, and this is the final Gaze of 2017, posted too late. I shall call it... *drumroll* ...Yearly Gaze. You definitely couldn't have guessed this in advance! You did? Oh. Uhm. *Clears throat* Welcome to the Yearly Gaze I. The first, and one of the many more to come!

Also I need to apologize again for being late and not writing each week. I'm not a fast writer, and I generally write when I can't work, for example if I'm waiting for some specific thing from other team member, and when I can work, I generally work on higher priority things (new features, game design, art, areas, etc, related to upcoming builds) instead. Last month was a bit special otherwise too, because we were working on two builds at the same time; The holiday update build, and the first gunplay build ^^

Let’s rock and roll!

Look back to 2017

Note: I don’t have screenshots of all things, I just have occasional screenshot here and there that I’m going to post here for you to see :3


Internal test island. This wasn’t available to players at all, it was just for me personally to test things. This is when the team size was just 1, and Hareress was staring from back of my shoulder to comment on things, but haven’t yet started working on anything. You couldn’t engage in any acts at this stage, so it was effectively just a walk on a small island and do nothing kind of test island ^^

And yes, these are the old heads. There are a lot of new lovelies who joined right after I redid the heads, who haven’t seen the old heads at all. This is what we used to have x)


VID (Very Important Dildo), hasn’t been used in game at all, we only recently made items properly usable in animations (with holiday update), but will eventually come in ^^

Color customization added, same system is still used for our characters, it’s just a lot more optimized these days. We basically have Base Color, Secondary Color, and Pattern Color, blended in as one texture with black and white mask. 

This also represents the basic color palette system: The two on the left are common prey, while the two on the right represent rare prey. Rare prey will have crazier colors, not necessarily THAT crazily, but so that e.g. pattern can be very unnatural color, whereas base colors are still natural ^^


We animate inside Unity, these are “rig” (think of puppet strings!) setup screenshots. I am testing and building the system for posing the character(s). And this is also the first act Hunt and Snare ever got. I don’t know why I started with standing pose… I guess I wanted challenge x)

At this stage we couldn’t animate fingers, toes, tails, holes, faces, hah, the list goes on and on xD

Oh, we actually could. I just had forgotten it! I’ll keep this as a testament of my cheese brain ^^’

Here is… uhm, I think this is the third animation I ever did. Little after this I started training Hareress to take over the animation work ^^ 

You can see a lot of issues with the mesh here, there are some gaps where breasts and body meets. But this screen shows an important milestone: All the basic things are animated. Tails work, fingers can be posed, and toes more or less point where they’re supposed to!

Short tail! The first tail customization option, though… it was just Player’s tail, not an option as such :’3

Almost release worthy Showroom (looking back now, I’m not sure it was quite release worthy xD). All the buttons are hard coded, nothing is loaded in, ugh! It was horrible!

This animation is still pretty similar to what it originally was. Welcome to showroom! Watch out for overly happy tail wagging x)


28.3.2017 (2 days before my birthday, I wanted to release on my birthday, but Khralzar released his game so I wanted to get mine out too xD)

Ferred, first programmer, joined around here, they would leave couple of months later for other endeavours ^^


First main menu. The current one is actually just second main menu we’ve had. This one had sex in the background ^^

Someone suggested camera options and light options, and I started adding those to Showroom. We have very masculine light (actually I just copied slider from customizer to save time setting up slider visually) back then, and only camera was a small… ...cow?

Yes, we have day night cycle. It’s just in real time, so… have fun leaving Hunt and Snare on for 12 hours to get a night xD We’ll eventually use day night cycle for something, and you’ll be able to sleep to pass time (like in real life!)

Hair, replaced, and removed eventually again xD

Small bug, all act locations showed sex in them at the same time. We’ll definitely have NPCs having sex at some point though! This just proves it’s going to look good (when it’s not broken)


Prey liked to watch sex, now they’re scared of you, so they no longer stay to watch (we need to properly add this at some point though!)

Skin sparkles!

Skiia is expanding. Up until now it was only the small birch forest area ^^

Ugly public build full of Patreon symbols :<

Run you fools! AI is finally afraid of you x)


New main menu! The current one is basically this, just camera rotated a bit, and time of date adjusted, and player customization added ^^

Basic crew standing by, waiting for you to replace them with something cooler from the forest ^^’

Hunt and Snare got color grading (basically used to adjust colors so that things look more unified… ….and I guess modern). The top is what we have, and bottom is what it used to be before this ^^

Captured prey and crew used to be a bit stupid, and always bump into the player when they tried to take their place on your side. This is a little design thing I did about it ^^

I don’t know what is going on here. I think these are first steps to actual prey spawning instead of manual placement of prey ^^

Piercings, these will be added in game at some point, but like with many other things, I have modelled them way before they’re actually going to be used x)

Like this, original concept from June 2017, 3D model made in December, added in game and build in the last days of 2017 x)

Oh no, something bad happened here

New ghosts, and elegant “trigger act” text by Ferred (still in)


Player customization! Finally!

I love the act ghost shader. It’s squeeky and tasty looking <3


Full act, new fetishes, and way too many skin patterns <3


Showroom stages ^^

Mouths (actually, working on the new heads now, finally)

First showcase of the new heads. That is a nose mohawk <3


Drathek joined this month <3


Oh hey! They’re actually in now! 

November 1st, 2017, the furry heads are in!

Stop following me!

Working on FurAffinity/E621/F-List advertisements :3

Working on eye customization, and compressed character coloring options so that it won’t take so much space ^^

I probably look like this while writing this xD


Beds! The ultimate sex accessory!

Teaching the characters how to use a gun



Seasons build things. I really like the antlers, maybe some Faelain subspecies could have them normally too ^^ Released 24th.

Hareress made some really cute poses for the card :3

Who cares about having time off!? Finishing up gun related things. This screen is from 25th xD

27th! Only 3 days to end of the year!

28th, Hareress and me shooting some Santa Claus(es) in The Division. Our third day off last year ^^’

31st. Build complete! Hareress posing another card for end of the year ^^

Let’s talk about 2018 plans in next Gaze ^^

With love!



Hunt and Snare - Stinger rifle

Move camera: 1 finger drag or Left Mouse ButtonPan: 2-finger drag or Right Mouse Button or SHIFT+ Left Mouse ButtonZoom on object: Double-tap or Double-click on objectZoom out: Double-tap or Double-click on backgroundZoom: Pinch in/out or Mousewheel or CTRL + Left Mouse Button



Hello, could you put a "knotting" option, or a pregnancy option, or simply that the male character could cum inside the female? A greeting.


As someone who keeps trying to make games, but doesn't have much success personally, I like seeing how far you've come and I look forward to see where this goes.


I'm definitely considering knotting for "knottable" races like doggies ^^ As for pregnancy, it's fairly unlikely, but creampies/cumming inside is definitely planned! I'm just a bit of a perfectionist, and I feel like it's better to have no effect (at this point!) than having subpar effect. I want cum and other liquids to be awesome! ^^


Thank you very much! And awh, I hope you succeed one day! :3 I highly recommend tackling various game jams, they teach you a lot of simplifying designs and focusing on the important bits and bobs. Ludum Dare for example is a perfect game jam ^^


Hello. Game isnt working for me. Avi is still only turning around. No Walking. No camera working in showroom. Is there anything I can do about? Very disappointing.


I'm sadly not sure. What kind of computer do you have? Have you made sure you have no controllers plugged in and you don't have VJoy installed on your computer? Have you tried running on lowest settings?