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Hello every single furson and unfurson out there!

First and foremost, sorry for no weekly gaze / monthly gaze, it's been a hectic couple of weeks with both game development and huge amount of new people joining up! It's always a happy problem to have, but I don't like missing these gazes ^^

Secondly! Ooops! I forgot to update Patreon page for the r4.15 build (with new eyes and bunch of other new things), and quite a few people have downloaded r4.14 because of that. So if you haven't had eye customization and third full act, go to https://www.patreon.com/posts/hunt-and-snare-15706389 and grab that! I have replaced the link on the main page to "patreon build" -tag posts, so in future you'll always, no matter where, find the newest build ^^ 

So what are we currently working on what can you expect soon?

Hareress is currently working on [SECRET] for the final build for the holidays (and for the last build of this year ^^). I don't want to spoil anything, so there's not much to tell about it at this point, but it'll be something very enjoyable x)

Drathek is working on the first pass of gunplay, which is coming along quite well, but as with bigger changes usually, it might or might not make to the next build. Of course I would be overjoyed if we could end the year with a bang, literally, in quite a few different meanings!

As for me, I'm currently working on some [SECRET] for the holiday build, and making the first gun for Hunt and Snare, called as Stinger (because it stings when you get hit by a tranquilizer dart) model-58 (because it was introduced 33 years ago originally) V (because it is the fifth release of the same original model). Stinger is an over-and-under rifle, effectively giving you two fast shots without reloading in between ^^

I'll return to normal Gaze schedule after this post, I don't like having such a long breaks between Gazes ^^

As for the build schedule: There is a new build coming for 24th. I know not all of us celebrate anything then, but I think everyone of us celebrates sex, so, let's raise a butt for that then :3

With luv,

p.s. I guess the cane is no longer a secret. Hah! I'm leaking secrets here!

p.p.s. Bonus for those who come to Patreon to read this:

Drathek's gif of work in progress shooting :3




it would be cool to see a scoped bolt action some time :D


Scoped will come in future. Ironsights (not yet in the gif) will be the al natural choice, and eventually you'll be able to retrofit to scope / lens :3

VR AnimeTed

Nice gif. Cool to see your in scene audio parenting. Individual footsteps parented to each foot is above and beyond!