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Good Sour Sunday and M-... it's not Halloween yet is it? No it's not! Quit cheating me! 

Uuuuhm, yeah, hummm, yes. So yeah Weekly Gaze VII (number 7 is number of my favorite rpg of all time), ladyrabbits and lordbunnies! This week I want to give some comments back on the Feedback Survey and tell abit about where we are at at this moment with the upcoming r4.xx ^^

So, first things first, at this point forth (actually yesterday forth!) we will be no longer doing separate public builds, but instead they will be old Patreon builds (approximately 3 builds behind, so 1kk-1.5kk on average) released as public builds. It saves me time, because I don't have to split attention between trying to figure out two builds at one go and what nice things add for Patreon builds, and also saves time as new builds will take a lot less time to do, which is minor all things considered, but still time saved x)

There will be a small transition period for the whole Patreon build to Public build approach, as the next Patreon build will have furry heads, but I also want to replace the furry heads for the Public builds. After a while, it's basically just old Patreon build released to public though!

Regarding that, we're going to start a small marketing campaign after the Release 4 with furry heads is out. I'm planning on advertising on FurAffinity and E621/F-List because those are basically the biggest sites (I could find! If you have other sites in mind, do let me know!) and then possibly expand advertising on smaller sites too (why not). The idea is to have couple of different kinds of ads, highlighting different things, to basically increase the change of a person seeing an ad and clicking on one ^^

Furry heads and new body tweaks and polish is coming along very well! My initial estimate was somewhere around 22nd of this month for the stage we're in at the moment (Animation fixing has started), so it's looking very very likely that all will be ready well before the end of the month :3 Knowing how deadlines always shift and move and so forth, I'm not going to promise it comes out earlier than estimated before, just that it's more than likely to come out when I initially said it would... ...I mean not initially, but the last time! xD

There's still a few hitches to figure out with the shading, and then I'll make a bigger up scale for the breast slider (I wanted to increase the range overall ^^) and essentially the "realistic" breast type is complete. The other options will come later on. As mentioned in the earlier Gazes, the R4 is essentially furry version of what we've got now ^^

The other things we're hoping to get done for the R4 is new movement system. It's not a mind blowing difference as such and will basically work similarly, but is preliminary work towards gunplay and conversations for R5. R5 is also going to have the conversation system in, and I'm hoping to replace Skiia by that point too. We might split R5 to R5 and R6, or we might just bring R5 in multiple parts. Effectively R5 means you're no longer going to Island demo, but actual game world x)

The plan for R4.xx (<-- the XXs) is to expand the customization options (with the classic other content, like animations and stages), give more breast shapes and sizes, new basic body muscularity/fatness related things, but not different kind of bodies yet. That's planned for somewhere further along the way, I do want to add a smaller body type, and larger more beefy one, that's for sure ^^

On to the survey! The long form feedback survey has received total of 13 entries, and feedback has been brilliant! There's a lot of things I've written up to Trello since the form was setup months ago, that I'd like to consider further in the future (Future being when all the core features are complete). Of course I would like to get even more feedback, so please do! Do even if you've done before, because things change over time and new opportunities or ideas are bound to come ^^

Some of my favorite suggestions include NPC schedules, misc wildlife, main menu themes based on date, player personalities, ship specialization (e.g. to a bordello, or a casino), custom skins made by players that could be shared between other players, and of course pawsfree automatic animation switching with a timer :3

You can head on to the Trello and see the picked off suggestions yourself! Trello link: https://trello.com/b/whud7kIk/huntnsnare

There are some very important other feedback too, not just new features, and some of those are already implemented in or on a todo list! All the feedback has been awesome ^^

Thank you very much to all of ya, to the Patrons, to the public players, to the people who has given feedback and reported bugs. You all rock!

Yours truly,



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