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Nezuko will heal you, or lewd you, or both!

I returned! (from depression)
This time I was not very well... And I decided to deal with this shit already.
In fact, now I was even a little afraid to go to the patron after such a long absence. I apologize.

I want to better control how many versions I make. Now this is happening almost by accident. And then I understand that I have been doing all this for a very long time, but it’s too late to change anything.
So I'm going to do more individual art. Making fewer versions.
Do less content to do more content! Ingenious!

And I’m also going to make a little different content. he he he 




"And I’m also going to make a little different content. he he he" I came looking for copper and i found gold. Hope everything is good for you! I personally was thinking why there was such a break in your content but I'm really happy that you decided to come back to us!


Welcome back, brother! I wondered what happend to you. So glad to have you back, hope you are doing well. And btw, nice Arts as always :)