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Walking down the hospital corridor is Sarah's mother, she feels very worried about all the things that have been happening in such a short time, the economy of the entire town suddenly disappeared, a sectarian gang out of nowhere began to persecute them, many of their friends betrayed them, and while they were escaping from the city with the rest of their people, they were attacked again, at least now everyone is recovering calmly here. But what will happen to Sarah, she is still too young and she does not know how much damage this could have done to her daughter.
As they approach the nursery where her daughter is, along with the other children from the hospital, she and her husband try to keep a good face, their wounds have already healed but that strong pain still does not completely disappear.
As if that were not enough, she also remembers that strange dream, where she remembers visiting her daughter, she was asleep in bed, but she was moving a lot and sweating, she seemed to be having a nightmare. She remembers touching her daughter's forehead causing her to wake up, shortly after she also woke up back on the couch.
Both parents look at each other a bit concerned as they are in front of the door, they hear the noise of the children playing and they have a kind of fear about how Sarah is feeling right now, surrounded by so many children, so noisy, whatever it is. , they pluck up their courage and enter

Sarah is having fun playing with watercolor, it is very difficult to distinguish one particular shape, but whatever it is that she tried to draw, it seems that she has been very successful!

It seems both parents underestimated her daughter, and they couldn't be happier about this, right now mom is very proud, but looking at her daughter's exposed belly, she worries about how Sarah will react to the words from the doctor


sorry for the bad writing, i wrote quickly
