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It is at night when Sarah wakes up scared, again she dreamed of the people with the red crosses, chasing her and her family. In a way she knew she was in a nightmare but she was unable to wake up and it was getting harder and harder to breathe, it was a soft and warm touch on her face, which calmed her down, definitely those were her mother's hands, her mother was on the side of the bed with her, and this thought wakes her up.
Right now she is in the hospital and she is alone in her room, for a week she has been recovering here with her family, all were blurred memories of that night, and that she would not understand if not until a long time later while talking with her parents.

A caravan of motorcyclists was chasing them as they left the city, and they were the same type of the red crosses, the chase lasted for several hours until she and her parents suffered an accident leaving the road.
Fortunately, the sound of the police sirens and the current state of the car convinced them that they could now go calmly. ”

She again thinks about the strange white shadow that helped her wake up recently, was that the ghost of her mother? She is completely sure that she felt her mother's hands recently, but she knows perfectly well that this cannot be the case, her mother is outside the room right now and if something had happened, there would be a big scandal on the other side of the door. Sarah squeezes her hands a little with the fear of not knowing what is happening outside her room.

It is not long before Sarah can go home, but her parents were told that she had suffered a serious injury at the waist, so it is best that she wear diapers all the time until she recovers from it. the lesson.

It is still very dark but she does not feel able to go back to sleep.
