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Thanks to North for suggesting the winning character!!!

I like drawing this pose a lot. Hope I don't use it too much - I was thinking of including more of Death in the shot, but I'm never sure how much to include of other characters when I'm drawing a someone that was specifically voted on. Like, if you guys wanted me to draw mario for some reason, but I drew bowser topping him and taking up 60% of the composition, is it really a mario-centric drawing at that point? Does that sentence make sense?



Lemonade Rat

This looks awesome so far. Kitty Softpaws is simply adorable in this WIP. I love her pleasured expression and the pose their in was a great choice as I really like the side on view of them in action. Honestly I think thats just the right amount of Death in this scene. Kitty Softpaws is still the focus of this piece and Death’s appearance isn’t intrusive in my option, as we can see enough of Death to know that its him.


Hey, thank you Lemonade! <3 Especially for your opinion on the secondary character thing I was asking about. Great to know that there's an appropriate amount of him in the scene - had this been a non-poll-drawing I probably would've included them both entirely, but I felt that since she's the winner she should be the main focus.