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Posted the sketch for this months ago and figured I should give it a quick coloring! Not much else to say about this one. It's Meowth boning Frankie Foster. I started and finished Better Call Saul this week! I was very happy we got to see a few episodes with Huell again, I think that's all I could've really asked for. Also, I've recently gotten into the overnight oats meta. If you're a sicko like me and forget to eat a proper meal until 6pm, this will really help you out. 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 cups oat milk, 1 cup mixed berries, 2 tbsp maple syrup, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, pinch of salt. (You can also use peanut butter bananas, cocoa powder, cinnamon). Stir the ingredients and store it in a Tupperware overnight. Very easy to make in batches too, so you have breakfast for the whole week.

PSD is available here!



Lemonade Rat

I love this illustration, thank you for finishing it. Its nice to see a comedic and slightly bizarre piece from you, as their expressions are wonderful and I like the playful size difference between them. Seeing Meowth as he dominates Frankie is a funny concept. I love the fact that he’s able to satisfy a human and I like how his pounding has resulted in Frankie cumming all over her feet, thats really kinky. Frankie looks great in your style, she has lovely figure as her proportions are on point and the lighting on her skin is amazing, as well as the pink tones on her body. I hope you draw more humans in the future.


Yo, Lemonade! Glad you like how it turned out! There's quite a few sketches that I've 'abandoned' this year, but I couldn't keep myself from coloring this, since I really like the duo for some reason. I appreciate the feedback on how Frankie looks, especially! She's, like, the first human I've colored in a while - and probably the first human I've posted on here? So, its nice to hear your comments on the proportions and skin rendering. Although, it'll probably still be less common, I definitely have ideas for more human stuff!

Captain Crit

Really love the expressions on this, very nice as always Tofu!