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Please leave character suggestions for this month's poll here. I'll post the poll on the 18th. You're free to re-suggest characters from previous polls if your pick didn't win. Please check out this small list of the types of characters I won't draw and feel free to message me if you're not sure if your character would work. (If a character ever gets left out of the poll, its because I pulled up their wiki and the age was sus 🥶. Luckily that hasn't happened so far, tho!)

P.S. I'm currently coloring that Tasque drawing - I should have it uploaded soon!  <3

Oh, and if you have any more theme ideas, feel free to post 'em.


Tony V

Rolling the dice again and putting Hollyhock from Bojack Horseman back in. Poor girl deserves more love.


going to have a go with haru from beastars with her ass spread and pressed up against a window or something


I'll suggest my Delphox Poké-Cassie again with a theme of breast enlargement https://imgur.com/a/Y5x58hf

Fido Saenz

Re-submitting Fe-Zenira (https://i.imgur.com/5gyZPZT.png), and what are your opinions on nipple penetration?

Lemonade Rat

Lop from Star Wars Visions, dildo sitting in a kneeling position with a nice view of her soles/feet.




Sweet! I've yet to draw it myself, but I've seen some really dope illustrations with it. I definitely wouldn't object to drawing it


rivet from ratchet and clank