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This month's member videos were sent by messages, there are some videos taken by HD camera. Hope you like them and happy Chinese new year!

And this one (183), I'm looking forward to a voice actor to record some voice for it if you like it!


Mask Member Video 183



Didn’t really like this months videos, sorry.. Couldn’t really distinguish which ones were shot with HD Camera? They were all a little bit bad quality? Also Would love to see shifting between faces with the HD camera as well! Also would love to see more the face of vid 172.


The maskmember040 is still the best vid imo, would love to see some more shifting faces with that quality!


I said before that using HD camera need some special condition and special time. I'll try to make more but the comics comes first, this month I made around 600 pictures and didn't have time for more videos. So please don't ask again and again for the HD camera videos... If I can, I will make more. Sorry.