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Thanks for your waiting! The new work is published, hope you like it!

As usual, I sent the Google Drive link via messages and welcome note, please check your emails!

For new supporters: Patreon will send you a welcome note to the email address you signed up with and you can find the link and the password for the new work. If you can't find, you can message me on Patreon.

Meanwhile, all the supporters can access the Welcome Note in the My Membership page on my main page. Which you can find a screenshot and tutorial in here https://www.patreon.com/posts/about-welcome-60878622

Still this notice again: PLEASE DON'T POST THE COMIC ON PUBLIC SITES OR FORUMS. Even you want to prove that you are a patron of me, you can post your screenshot of your Patreon page. But don't share the PDF files or Google Drive Links. Also, don't share the passwords! Thank you so much! Thank you so much!

About this work:

This section can be considered the prologue to the climax of the story that I've planned. The upcoming part might delve into the more intense aspects, and then this series will come to a conclusion. So, this part serves more as an exposition, introducing additional settings. I hope everyone enjoys it!

At the same time, due to my current health condition, the dialogues are still a bit confusing. I hope you won't mind.

I will try to make this story better!

Thank you for your support and keep safe!


这次的作品依然是通过Google Drive上传,同时会私信大家链接和密码。

对于新加入的赞助者:Patreon会给您的Patreon注册邮箱发送一个邮件,其中包含了Welcome Note,里面就有链接和密码,请注意查收!如果实在没有,请在Patreon上私信我。

同时所有人都可以通过我的页面上的My Membership选项卡查看Welcome Note中的信息,具体截图和方法可以参考 https://www.patreon.com/posts/about-welcome-60878622 这里。









Also, I apologize for having to inform everyone that the bonus rewards for July will be postponed and released later. I've been extremely busy lately, and I hope you understand! 另外还要抱歉地告诉大家,7月的额外奖励也要推迟到后面发布,最近实在是太忙了,希望大家理解!

One Vanilla

Nice work on this cant wait for next part


I didn't like this one. It was too much sex and not enough skin suits. Disappointed


Yes I also want to make more skinsuit scenes but the skinsuit effect needs too much time and I don't have enough time to make them

汤姆 李


Leander Enis

Can you send message for Drive Link?

Jack Stenly

Living skinsuit again? Let's fucking go.

