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I have two story branches for Little Sister 4 now. I will make them both but I'm not sure which to make first, so I want you to decide for me. The vote will end in two days! I'll choose the one that you vote. The first one is the continue of Little Sister 3, Claire and Nancy continue helping Lan revenge the Katherine. And the other one is Nancy and her brother's story.


开始Little Sister 4的制作,目前有两条故事线可以发展,我最终都会做,但是还不确定先做哪个,所以发起一个投票你们来决定,我会根据后天的结果来进行制作。第一条线就是小霞和小兰继续帮助小怜进行报复,第二条就是小兰和哥哥的故事。


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