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I tried to prevent but there are still someone posting my works on piracy sites. I don't have more ways to fight against this... Last time I said I won't talk about this again, but I can't control myself... I'll try not to mention this after this time!

My friend told me this thing when I just finish this work. Then I wanted to post this work in 2 or 3 parts to prevent the piracy. But I think post the whole story is always a better way for you to read it. So I still post the whole comic.

So I beg you here: PLEASE DON'T POST THE COMIC ON PUBLIC SITES OR FORUMS. Even you want to prove that you are a patron of me, you can post your screenshot of your Patreon page. But don't share the PDF files or Google Drive Links. Thank you so much!

I believe that all of you are very good person, thank you so much for supporting me. And I know I can't avoid piracy and those who won't support me on piracy sites will never come to support. But I still want to talk to the friend who posted my works on piracy sites, I really hope we can respect each other. I'll try my best to create good stuff and you can respect my works, don't post them on the public sites. 

And if you have any ideas on fighting against piracy, please tell me! Thank you so much!

Thank you for your support and can read my complain. Hope you all safe and enjoy the comics!




Fuck, gentlemen. This man is doing that for us all and it do takes a lot of time to make the stories like he does, bright, interesting and catching. Let's not take away his true earned money. He also does post his older works after some time. What else is needed to also give some respect and do not repost. I can use my fingers on the one hand to count creators doing that and not all will be used. Lets have some consciousness after all and be honest with ourselves and those whose works we value. Thanks!



Kanata Sorami

Respete a la gente. YT trabaja muy duro para traernos estos cómics. No te atrevas a arruinar esto para los demás y avergüenza de ti por robar durante una pandemia.

Motec Jack



How about setting a two month period before releasing it for free.? This system is very similar to KABA.


I got to admit that I knew of you in a pirate web. Then came to patreon to watch all your work. I wish everybody would do the same so you could get paid.


we will support you!